Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Did I Get Here?

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11 (ESV)

I had my life plans mapped out at a very young age: I wanted to be a wife and mother.  Even in college, while I studied education and "prepared" to be a teacher, I knew all I really wanted was to have a family and devote my life to serving them.  During my homeschooling years, I even followed a curriculum based on the Proverbs 31 woman that focused on taking care of a household and family.  So, if you would have told me at the age of 30 that I would find myself a divorced, single mother, I never would have believed you. I am.  I spent a good deal of time wondering, "How did I get here?"  My life has turned out nothing like I had planned.  I did everything "right."  I saved myself for marriage, I went to church weekly, and followed Christ with everything in me.  I led and participated in women's Bible studies.  I worked in the church nursery.  I was devoted.  My faith and family were the number one priorities in my life.  I never even considered divorce as an option for my marriage, yet, that's exactly where I found myself.

It was without a doubt the darkest period of my life.  Not only was I mourning the loss of my marriage and family, but I was shunned by my church and my church "friends."  I lost my home and most of my possessions.  It was devastating.  I was hurt, ashamed, and confused.  But, God had a different plan for me.

All during my separation and divorce my mom encouraged me by saying, "You don't know how God wants to take care of you."  She was right.  Never could I have imagined what the Lord had in store for me.  I had planned on focusing on taking care of my daughter and making the best life possible for her.  In my mind, this did not include ever marrying again.  But shortly after my divorce, the Lord brought an amazing man into my life.  He too had gone through a painful divorce and was trying his best to parent school-age triplets.  Although we tried to focus on being friends, the connection we had, and our similar Bible-based goals for our lives and our children was undeniable.  After a short courtship and receiving the blessing of our families, we were married on September 14, 2012.

My one hope through everything that I've been through is that I would be able to help other women struggling with similar circumstances.  As I was praying last night, and thanking the Lord for the amazing new life He's given me, He laid the name of this blog on my heart.  The Second Chance Wife.  For that's truly how I see myself.  I've been given an amazing second chance to be the godly wife and mom that I've always dreamed of. 

I invite you to follow me as I learn how to practically apply those things I'm learning, struggle and grow with us as we attempt to raise a godly blended family, and share your stories of overcoming heartache and disappointment.  Most of all, I aim to serve and praise God through my new circumstances.  I hope you can relate.


1 comment:

  1. Amber,

    Like Shelly said from in her reply post to your comment in the "Treasured Women Fellowship," group on facebook. He is a God of restoration and redemption. This is going to be so exciting to watch the beginning of a new life, a new journey designed and orchestrated by our greatest fan, the One who loves us beyond our wildest imagination. Jesus!

    Blessings, Hugs in Him...
